Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Terrible Crossovers and Self-inserts

Now this one just tears my heart out. Some crossovers fit together well, and are explained accordingly. Some look like someone slammed their head on the keyboard and corrected most of the spelling mistakes. I swear that I have seen a Naruto/Power Rangers crossover. Putting Naruto with Inuyasha or Bleach can be pulled off, but Pokemon isn't going to make the cut. Not only are the powers non-compatible in lots of crossovers, but how characters get from their world to another shouldn't be the almighty out of nowhere world switch tactic. I don't care how powerful the attack or stupid the author, I will accept no portals that suddenly pop out of nonexistence, which brings me to self-inserts. "She was walking down the street when all of a sudden... BUGS BUNNY DREW A HOLE UNDER HER FEET AND SHE ENDED UP FALLING THROUGH! WHEN SHE GOT TO THE OTHER SIDE SHE ENDED UP FIGHTING HEARTLESS SIDE BY SIDE ICHIGO IN MIDDLE OF KONOHA!!!".................. Do you see what I mean? No matter how you look at it, it sucks. The worst part about self-inserts? Go back to the "Bastardization of a Character's Personality" post. If you are tired of this... MOCKERY of literature, please tell me.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Overpowering a character.

You won't believe how much this detracts from the plot. Giving Naruto a bloodline limit, a magic super scroll, a pact with Kyuubi, allowing him to absorb Kyuubi, or just making him too damned powerful is just a stupid quick fix to the fact that you can't write a fanfiction involving wit and cunning, so you just make it so he can blow up people's heads with a thought. Naruto's character is built around pain, blood, sweat, and tears, not "*POP* battle done". Another thing that you people, and some Naruto characters, fail to realize is that while Sasuke is extremely powerful, he has sold his body, soul, and allegiance thrice to get there. He works as hard as he can so that he may one day defeat his brother, and he succeeds, though not with his own strength. If you are tired of characters being too powerful, or their power frowned upon, in any fandom, just talk about it.

Romance, Romance, ROMANCE!

Look, I meant it when I said in an earlier post that I understand different people have different interests in romance, but certain things are just plain wrong. When you pair one guy with a sea of women (or the other way around), that is just disrespectful to the name romance. I've said I mostly read Naruto fanfics, and you won't believe how many "harem" stories there are. I've only been able to find one thing more despicable. People just seem to love pairing Naruto with the adults. Kakashi, Kurenai, Anko, Iruka, Yuugao, TSUNADE! WTF!? She's fifty, and all the rest are in their twenties! He's thirteen! He doesn't even fully understand what love is! In case you haven't noticed, I prefer pre-timeskip, since that's where the important things start to happen, though an incredibly long backstory is good for extreme change in a character's personality. I think that several chapters should be devoted to pre-series start at least. If you're tired of "romance" stories that have nothing to do with love, just hormones, just talk about it.

Horribly Written OC's

Maybe you want to be a part of your favorite fandom, maybe you thought up a backstory for a character you want to make, I don't care as long as the character you make up isn't some kind of overused, overpowered piece of crap. I don't want them to have eyes or hair that change color like a mood ring, no matter how "liek bootifulll" you think that is. Maybe you people don't realize that some of the characters you give "hooj and curvacious nockers" are very young. People in Naruto's age group are 12-13, not in their twenties, and I will come back to that in another post. I am also going to talk about overpowering characters and horrible self-inserts in another post. If you've seen the disease that mary sues truly are, in any fandom, just talk about it.

Bastardization of a Character's Personality

I don't know if you people realize that lots of characters actually have personalities, and you think you just aren't good enough to put that personality into writing, or if you really think that Sakura's a stupid slut, Sasuke throws hissy fits, and Kakashi hates Naruto. Let me just tell you that none of these are true in the slightest, and you people don't just do it to the good guys, you do it to the bad guys too! Kyuubi, according to most Naruto fanfiction, is a perverted funny guy that thinks of Naruto as the son he never had. What. THE. FUCK?! I'm not even sure how many Akatsuki members I've seen find Naruto and raise him for no apparent reason other than a small measure of pity (Actually I've seen all of them except Kakuzu, though he did help him a lot in one fanfiction). I understand that if a person goes through different experiences their personality changes, but you people take all of the depth from a character's personality. I may hang out at the Naruto section, but I'm sure it's a problem everywhere. Dur, me no like Sasuke... he big meanie... I make him stupider than me in story now. If you have seen this happen to any of your lovable characters, good or bad, just talk about it.


Now, I perfectly understand that some people enjoy male on male action, and that pregnancy adds a sense of drama to many stories, but I just have to sort one thing out for you people, MEN CANNOT GET PREGNANT! I don't care if you made up an excuse that you think makes the story believable (i.e.-demon chakra, magic spell, "miracle drug") if men could support babies, there would be no reason for two sexes. Assuming men could impregnate other men, whats the next step down this screwed up evolutionary chain, women impregnating women? Then what is the difference between a male and a female, slight differnce in hormones? Once again assuming men could impregnate other men, think about how screwed up that child's d.n.a. would be. It couldn't hope to survive. All in all for this first post, men do not have the proper organs to create or support a child. I am mostly a Naruto fanfiction reader, so I will address those the most, but I encourage you to not only talk to me, write down your own pet peeves from any fandom. I would like you to know that I will not tolerate racism or sexism. You may say that you don't like to find religion in fanfictions that don't even have that religion involved in that specific fandom, I know I don't, but this blog is not for arguing what religion is right. Keep that in mind.